Originally Posted By: Irishman12
(First Viewing)

While in post-war Berlin to cover the Potsdam Conference, an American military journalist is drawn into a murder investigation which involves his former mistress and his driver.

Even though I'm not a fan of the genre, this is the best homeage to the Noir genre I've ever seen. Steven Soderbergh really does a marvelous job making the audience feel as if the movie was really taking place in 1945. The black and white was obviously a nice touch to keep the audience in this perspective, but he does so much more with the way he changes scenes, etc. What I enjoyed the most out of this film was Tobey Maguire stepping out of his Spider-Man costume to drop quite a few F bombs along with a beat down of George Clooney. I'm sorry but I'm not used to see Tobey do that even after 3 SPIDER-MAN films.

Warning, Spoiler:
My only real beef with the film was the ending. I just felt it was too CASABLANCAish. It felt like a rip off and would liked to have seen Soderbergh be more original

Then how about Tobey in THE ICE STORM, before that Spidey stuff?