Originally Posted By: BDuff
I think there are four Capos....

Carlo Gervasi
Bobby Baccala
Patsy Parisi (Since Chris is dead)
Larry Barese

Though Ray Curto and Feech LaMann were Capos too yet once they died their crews went away. I think the Aprile Crew is extinct by this point.

Isn't Carlo the capo of the former "Aprile Crew?" If I remember correctly, Gigi took over after Richie consummated his engangement, then Ralph took over after Gigi tried to pass some gas, then Vito took over after Ralph lost his head, then Tony bumped Carlo up since he was doing well at the ports after Phil came out of Vito's motel closet. Shh...what an unlucky crew to be captain of...its like a death sentance.

And dont forget good ol' wingdigs is a captain too!!

Last edited by Sopranorleone; 05/20/07 12:55 PM.