Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
DC, Pizzaboy and I were talking about that movie not to long ago. It's a wonderful film. My favorite scene is when the kid is onstage, and Sharkey is in the wings, lipsynching and doing every hand gesture in complete tandem with the performance. It's been years since I've seen it, but I remember it fondly.

Could it be because Sharkey's character is from Arthur Avenue?

Do you remember who played Sharkey's mother in the movie?

It's a fun movie to watch.

Great movie DC.

Sure, the Arthur Avenue scenes were great, especially the ones filmed inside Mario's, but I love the film on other levels as well, the whole "Italian-American experience" that it brings to light.

Vinnie's father is half a wiseguy yet Vinnie seems to want more out of life. He loves music, not so much for the money, but as an art. Being set in the early 60's, at a time before most Italians became upwardly mobile, it's an especially realistic portrayal of New York City Italian life. It hit really close to home for me.

Vinnie's character is actually based on Bob Marcucci, who ironically was from Philadelphia, not the Bronx. He was responsible for the careers of Frankie Avalon (Tommy D) and Fabian (Cesare).

Sharkey, who was actually half Irish - half Italian, spoke perfect Italian!

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.