Originally Posted By: olivant
When you think about it, there are only two ways it can go: Tony gets his or he doesn't. Now, how he gets it or doesn't can happen in an infinite number of ways. I find myself wanting justice for al those he murdered, had murdred, or let me murdered. For me, that comes in the form of his loss of his wife and kids - their deserting him. he murdered Chris (Carmela) and he did not prevent Jackie Jrs. murder (Meadow). That leaves AJ. But Aj still has this rather pristine view of his father - he really hasn't thought of him as a murderer. So, knowledge of the former two murders could do it.

I agree Olivant.

I've always felt that if Carmela and/or Meadow were to find out that Tony sanctioned Jackie Jr's murder, they would abandon him. However, over the last few years, Carmela has grown even MORE fond of her lavish lifestyle, terrified of losing it, and Meadow has drifted more into denial about her father. So who knows ?

Tony losing his family would be the ultimate punishment for him. I just don't know which way it's gonna go.

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