Originally Posted By: SC
 Originally Posted By: ScarFather

When Tony goes around to Christopher... Chris is talking nonsense and spitting up blood... he is taking Chris out of his misery. ;\)

 Originally Posted By: ScarFather

When AJ says "why cant we all just get along" I believe that is one of his last cries before he actually completes his move to the dark side. AJ is in. Its just a matter of time.

Man.... we sure have different takes on this show!!

The only one being put out of misery (when Tony killed Chris) is TONY!! (FWIW - I thought, at first, that Tony was doing that as an act of mercy.... but after thinking about it I realized that Tony killed Chris only to save his own neck).

As far as AJ... his "Rodney King" takeoff ("Why can't we all get along") was a cry of frustration and confusion over why we're so incompassionate to others.... its not a sign he's flipping. If anything, I think he'll go the opposite way and become a decent person because of his sensitivity to others.

Well we really dont see it all that different... I did put a wink there... I know what was going on there...

We have seen Tony get soft like AJ.. and then go Looney.... so AJ is infancy stage IMO.

"What I want.... whats most important to me... is that I have a guarantee" - Train approaches.... Bang! Bang! Bang!