Originally posted by Turnbull:
Originally posted by henry:
[b] Dom Cardi, you have a potty mouth.

"Dom" Cardi?? Has our beloved DC taken vows and joined the Church in Italy? confused [/b]
Yes TB, "Hendree" let the cat out of the bag! After all that talk about Cardinal Lamberto not following the correct procedure for absolving one of their sins, I decided to go to Rome and show him the proper way to give confession.

Oh, "Hendree?" For posting that, you'll have to say 5 hail marys, 3 our fathers, and take the collection for one month at sunday mass. Then maybe you'll be welcomed back into the GangsterBB Kingdom! wink

CUT TO: Full shot of the interior of the church. Organ music is heard, and Henry is crying.

(then Cardi makes the sign of the cross over Hendree )

Don Cardi cool

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.