This morning on WFAN radio Lorraine Bracco was interviewed (bad interviewee BTW). The host, David Gregory claimed to be a big Sopraon fan. He asked her why she thought Tony killed Christopher. Her answer: he was a liability and a disappointment. He was suppose to be Tony's successor.

As DC observed above, Tony stops in the middle of the 911 dial. I don't think he was reviewing Christopher's body of work or lack of....he was thinking short term. Drugs in his system, cops, testimony, he'll flip.

Was Christopher saving Tony by telling him about the drugs in his system.....did Chris think Tony would kill him? Maybe. Under the circumstances, maybe Chris wanted out...permanently.

Back to Bracco - Gregory asked her what was going to happen with Melfi. She said, you'll be surprised.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12