You could say that trailers for Pan's Labyrinth were insulting in another way: most of them, save for the ones circulated in arthouse cinemas, gave no indication that it was in Spanish with subtitles. Same with Gibson's Apocalypto. Some even said "From the director of Blade," (as opposed to Cronos or The Devil's Backbone, haha.

Trailers are always misleading; Little Children was the most disappointing film of last year in some respects because the trailer was so fucking good, and then the film turned out to be piss.

Anyway, Pan's Labyrinth is a tremendous film full of ambition and detail and technical wizardry, rich in allegory and suggestive ambiguity.

Man on Fire is heinous.

But that's the opinion of an elitist fuckface well out of his depth in this thread; argue with logic, not with "but thats jsut ur opinono OMG!" com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?