(Second Viewing)

A ferry filled with crewmen from the USS Nimitz and their families was blown up in New Orleans on Mardi Gras. BATF Doug Carlin is brought in to assist in the massive investigation, and gets attached to an experimental FBI surveillance unit, one that uses spacefolding technology to directly look back a little over four days into the past. While tracking down the bomber, Carlin gets an idea in his head: could they use the device to actually travel back in time and not only prevent the bombing but also the murder of a local woman whose truck was used in the bombing?

Not Tony Scott's best work (see MAN ON FIRE), or Denzel Washington (see MAN ON FIRE or MALCOLM X), or James Caviezel's (see THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST), although I must confess, it was a nice twist to see James as the villain after he just finished playing Jesus only 2 years prior. Unfortunately, Tony Scott's films have gotten weaker since MAN ON FIRE.

-DEJA VU - 1/2

I'm also not a fan of Tony Scott's proposed next project, a remake of THE WARRIORS (especially with it taking place in Los Angeles rather than New York). Needless to say being one of the only Tony Scott fans on this board I will see it, however my expectations will be low.

On a totally unrelated note, the quotes used to sell this DVD I found to be quite hilarious as Pete Hammond of Maxim was quoted not once but twice! The front cover quote reads, "a hugely entertaining high-octane action suspense thriller." The back reads, "will keep you bolted to the edge of your seat." I guess Pete has never seen MAN ON FIRE \:\/ What my attraction is to Mr. Hammond was his quote for RUNNING SCARED read, "makes KILL BILL look like Seaseme Street" Since then, if I see a Pete Hammond quote, I make sure to read it to see if he can top that asinine statement.