I've been interested in other people's opinions beside the BB, just to get an idea if we are all thinking alike I guess. Anyway, check out this article. Evidently there are those who, like Olivant,still think Ade is alive. He's not alone (read some of the comments if you have the time)


"I like to think I'm tough to shock, especially when it comes to fictional characters, and especially with a show like "The Sopranos." But not only was I surprised that Tony killed his almost-son Christopher, I was shocked at how matter-of-fact the murder was..... (click link for whole story)


If I lived anywhere near any of these filming locations, I'd get a real kick out of it. For you locals (not locos ) Do you guys know what this person (from the comments section) is talking about? Is there no such place?

"Did anyone from North Jersey notice the sign for the garbage disposal plant that was removing asbestos? It read East Haledon , NJ. Now I grew up in North Haledon, NJ and went to Manchester High in Haledon , NJ , but East Haledon ?? Keep it real will ya!!"


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon