Originally Posted By: Irishman12
(First Viewing)

Peter Pan (Williams) has grown up to be a cut-throat merger and acquisitions lawyer, and is married to Wendy's granddaughter. Captain Hook (Hoffman) kidnaps his children, and Peter returns to Never Land with Tinkerbell (Roberts). With the help of her and the Lost Boys, he must remember how to be Peter Pan again in order to save his children by battling with Captain Hook once again.

I thought the story was pretty lame. I think they should have done a live action film based on the Disney cartoon, like they would later do in 2003. The Lost Boys were quite irritable as I figured. Dustin Hoffman was the only benefit of watching the film as Captain James Hook. Although I was very surprised to see a young 19-year-old Gwyneth Paltrow in only her second movie. \:o

Oh, that 2003 film that flopped?

Anyway, HOOK has a nice "high concept" premise idea that could have been a contender. I mean, what if Peter Pan did grow up? One can work wonders with such an idea.

Instead, it becomes cooked up as a lame vehicle that I guess Spielberg was trying to create yet another broad entertainment mega-hit....only for it to backfire severly in his face. I think another critical mistake is the casting.

Robin Williams? *roll eyes* Thing is, he only came in after Kevin Kline was screwed over with delays on another film. You know, Kline would have been more interesting (and it would seem more obvious from the outset of an obvious has-been charismatic hero having to get back into the tights)...

Hey Irish, imagine if Spielberg had made his live-action Peter Pan movie with MICHAEL JACKSON in the 1980s as it almost happened?


HOOK (1991) - *1/2