Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
OK, some random thoughts.

Tony felt that he needed to eliminate Chris once that he was told that Chris was back using again. Tony was afraid that Christopher would be charged, and deal him in exchange.

Tony did feel relief to a certain point, but he also grieved for the boy he thought of as a son.

I think it all came together at that one moment... Chris... "I will never pass a drug test" "Call me a taxi".... Tony realizes that Chris is a very weak link in Tony's empire.... Chris was useless to Tony while on drugs and he was useless to Tony while on the straight and narrow...

Also... I think it was two-pronged... Tony didnt think he was gonna make it/wanted to end his suffering as well as the "other" stuff

"What I want.... whats most important to me... is that I have a guarantee" - Train approaches.... Bang! Bang! Bang!