I think you're right SB. Maybe he's starting to believe that it's his destiny. That he's adopting a "why fight it" attitude.

It's weird, the spoiler of Tony suffocating Chris has been on http://www.thechaselounge.net for weeks, yet it's the one I found least plausible, so I didn't post it. You just never know where Chase is gonna so.

I tend to agree with SC that Tony is now at his least likeable. I wonder if that's on purpose. To make a Godfather analogy, FFC always said that after Part 1, where he was accused of making Michael a hero of sorts, he deliberately set out to destroy him. Maybe Chase has something terrible in store for Tony and he doesn't want people feeling sorry for him ? I dunno anymore.

As far as Chris, it's weird, I actually had more sympathy for him last week while he was struggling to stay sober. It was truly the best episode in many years. Maybe since the season 2 finale when Pussy got whacked. Chris' wife seemed to be a real nice old fashioned Italian girl. What was with the Jackie O look ?

3 episodes left. No matter how it ends, one thing is for sure, ther will be lots of loose ends. I agree with an earlier post that there probably won't be a movie. Tony's world is crumbling all around him. If he survives and I suspect he will, his life won't be pretty. No one will want to be Tony Soprano anymore.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.