Originally Posted By: Irishman12
The Fountain
(First Viewing)

Spanning over one thousand years, and three parallel stories, The Fountain is a story of love, death, spirituality, and the fragility of our existence in this world.

I know I didn't understand everything that happened in this movie but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. Hugh Jackman has put together some good films since the original X-Men and his 2 latest The Prestige and The Fountain are just what he needs to throttle him as an A-list actor (if he isn't one already). I still need to see Pi but I did enjoy Darren Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream and The Fountain. I wonder what took him so long to make another film? 6 years its been. In any case, I'm eagerly anticipating the next film that he's writing, Lone Wolf and Cub for a 2008 release!

What took 6 years? Try an aborted BATMAN: YEAR ONE film project with Frank Miller. Now thats a script you should try to read sometime. Imagine Miller's macho-forceful narrative, but neutered with insanely stupid shit(Alfred is a black mechanic, the Batmobile is a cadillac, and Batman kills everyone in sight!)

Nevermind THE FOUNTAIN initially began as a $70+ million movie with Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. When Pitt got moviestar prima-donna pissy, he quit and the movie was "toned down" for $35 million with Jackman and Darren A's wife Weisz.

Who says LONE WOLF & CUB* is his next? He's got that Boston boxing movie next with Matt Damon and Mark Whalberg, and that ballet movie. My money is on the boxing flick being next.

*=IMDB.com aint reliable at all. Anyone can post info. I should try to pencil in VEGA BROTHERS for 2008, and you'll report it earnestly.

But, glad you liked the movie.