Here we go again


Curt response

BOSTON (Ticker) -- Barry Bonds never has admitted to using steroids. Apparently, Curt Schilling believes he has.

The outspoken pitcher of the Boston Red Sox on Tuesday took some verbal shots at Bonds, who needs 12 homers to break Hank Aaron's all-time home run record.

Bonds has been at the center of baseball's ongoing steroids controversy, but never has admitted to knowingly taking steroids.

Schilling must have thought otherwise during an interview with WEEI on Tuesday.

"He [Bonds] admitted he used steroids. There's no gray area," Schilling said on WEEI. "He [Bonds] admitted cheating on his wife, cheating on taxes and cheating on the game."

On Dec. 4, 2003, Bonds was one of several athletes forced to testify as part of the BALCO case, which centered around the San Francisco-area lab, its founder Victor Conte, and Greg Anderson -- Bonds' personal trainer and longtime friend.

Anderson was indicted for illegal distribution of steroids. Bonds told the grand jury that he believed Anderson had given him flaxseed oil and arthritic balm, a substance that turned out to contain steroids.

A book released in 2006 by San Francisco Chronicle reporters Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance Williams, Game of Shadows alleges Bonds engaged in persistent doping, taking four different kinds of steroids as well as insulin and human growth hormone during 2001 alone, when he hit 73 homers to break Mark McGwire's single-season record.

The accusations have clouded Bonds' pursuit of Aaron's record of 755 homers. Aaron has said he will not be in attendance when Bonds attempts to break the record.

"Hank Aaron not being there, the commissioner [Bud Selig] not knowing where he's going to be, it's sad," Schilling told WEEI. "I don't care if he's black, green, purple or yellow or whatever. It's just unfortunate there's good people and bad people."

A seven-time National League MVP, Bonds has 10 homers this season, raising his career total to 744.

Bonds, 43, reportedly failed an amphetamines test last season, and the New York Daily News reported that Bonds attributed the positive test results to a substance he took from the locker of teammate Mark Sweeney.

Bonds later absolved Sweeney of any involvement but never commented on whether or not he took amphetamines.

Source: SI