Very good episode, maybe the best of the year.

There are so many places the show could go, but with only 4 episodes to go, it looks like there will be LOTS of loose ends. That's good though, it leaves something to the imagination.

For the first time in the history of the series I felt a little bad for Christopher, till he killed JT of course. I guess it can be said that the mob and 12 step programs are not conducive to one another. Chris can never truly be sober if he remains in the environment, yet when he slips off the wagon, he's always one step closer towards self destruction. A real catch 22. Let's face it, junkies are always prime candidates to become rats. It makes me think of Henry Hill. In one of the first episodes of the series, at a barbecue at Tony's house, Tony berated Christopher for his screenwriting aspirations and said something to the effect of "You thinking of going Henry Hill on me ?" Well, so far he has become a screenwriter.
He really resents Tony not being more sympathetic of the Adriana thing, maybe moreso than her death itself. I think he could become a rat, but I think in all likelyhood, he'll end up getting himself killed first.

I think AJ got off a bit on watching his buddies beat on that kid, much like he did when he promoted that party a few years ago and someone got beat up for not paying for his beer. Maybe he will bounce back from getting his heart broken, kid's are awfully resilient. I think we'll know more next week.

Paulie is just a miserable, out for himself scumbag. Too bad Little Paulie had to pay the price for it. I mean, it's the guy's father in law for God's sake. That should have counted enough for Paulie to lay off a little bit. Now I really hope he gets whacked. It says alot about the show that it could make a viewer want to see a character get killed. I can't wait till next week.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.