Now that you mention those 3 reliable starters, it's makes me think. They actually have about 5 potential reliable starters. I wonder if Torre will get Dean Smith syndrome where you have SO much talent that you under utilize it b/c you bench the wrong guys while trying to utilize everyone on your roster.

Let's say Wang comes out and pitches game 1 and the Yanks lose a close one. Pettitte comes out and wins game 2 and Rocket wins game 3. So...your up 2-1 and you still have Hughes and Mussina who you want to throw, so you throw those guys for game 4 and 5. Let's say you split those games and it goes 7. So....who pitches games 6 and 7? Obviously Roger would pitch one of them, but who pitches the other? Wang or Pettitte? Better make the right choice. Or...Wang could start the game and Pettitte could pitch relief. I like him in that role. Or....maybe you throw Hughes in game 7. Lot's to think about.

Not to give you guys anything more to worry about but you see my point. Of course, I'm sure it's better to have those guys and not need them than to need them and not have them. ;\)