A.J.: "I want to work for you, Dad."

Tony: "Okay, mow the lawn."

A.J.: "No, I mean I want to work for the Family."

Tony: (silent) "I see. Come with me, we have a lotta talk 'bout, you 'n me, and we have time..."

Tony puts his arm around AJ's shoulders and they start to walk. Tony suddenly stops, removes his arm from AJ's shoulder, looks at his son with a look as if he's got something really bitter in his mouth.

Tony: "You know something, I'd be happy if you were half as smart as Fredo Corleone, but you make Fredo look like Alec Trebbeck! YOU MAKE ME SICK! You think for one second I would take you in? You can't even clean your room! You can't even listen when I tell you to take out the garbage!! Get the fuck out of my sight, what did you think was gonna happen? You think we was gonna sit out in the garden, all nicey-nice, I tell you I'm drinking too much wine lately, you saying its good for me? I ought to wack you out, you sonofabitch!"

(lost scene, or series finale?)