Originally posted by Carstonio:
Originally posted by plawrence:
[b] The guests so exclaimed at [b]how well he looked in his tux that an inexperienced observer might easily have thought that the Don himself was the luck groom."

"He (Dr. Kennedy) was surprised when his (Genco's) wife and daughters turned to the short heavy man dressed in an awkwardly fitting tuxedo."[/b]
In the first case, weren't the guests simply sucking up, excuse me, showing proper respect? These were the same guests that
besieged Johnny Fontaine with drinks after the Don complained that no one had thought to wet his godson's throat. [/b]
That was exactlhy what I thought when I first read that line.. that everyone was just being nice to Don Corleone because of who he was (and the fact that you NEVER insult your host, mafioso or not)


"Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger."
Don Lucchesi