One Yankee goes down with a hammy injury. Happenstance. (Wang).

More Yankees goes down with a hammy injury. Concern. (Mussina, Matsui, Karstens)

The best prospect in the Yankees system goes down with a hammy injury during a no-hitter and under the 100 pitch max looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck.

Fire the fucking "performance enhancement" (i.e. strength and conditioning) coach. Hughes has had virtually no injury problems in his minor league career until his regimen gets changed after coming up to NY. This asshole who has been working with geriatrics for the last decade shouldn't even be close to a baseball club, but George must've liked his soft hands or something.

Yankees players have (anonymously) expressed concern that his regimens don't include stretching or even light workouts of certain muscle groups.