Klydon and DJ are both right. Remember that silly trade for Jose Canseco that Papa George pulled that pissed Torre off?

But look and compare today with the dynasty of a decade ago. Surely A-Rod/Abreu/Giambi have better stats and star-names than say Broscious/Williams/Tito Martinez....and yet, who played better together?

I've said it before, but I think Torre also is just burned out. Burned out from having to deal with not only Papa George, but the crazy bullshit of Papa GEorge's boys in Tampa. He's burned from having to try to manage a bunch of prima donna superstars that can't(or won't) go to the 101% of their abilities.

If Torre gets canned DJ, Papa George would probably desire Don Mattingly, but if Torre gets fired in say May, New York media will eat it up and the only person that could replace Torre and pacify the baseball writers for the first few weeks would be....Joe Giradi. He's got a Manager of the Year award on his desk. He led a team expected to loss 100 games nearly into the playoffs.

Giradi gets the nod if Torre gets canned. Besides, has Mattingly even managed before?