I, for one, will never again tell a moody teenager to go take a shit.

I don't think AJ is going to handle this breakup very well. I mentioned last week that I thought that AJ could slip into depression under this scenario because he has suffered anxiety attacks in the past. There's alot of dark stuff going on this year and suicide has been prevalent in the past. I wouldn't be shocked to see the kid attempt to kill himself.

Who knew that Heshy had a hot young black wife ? Wasn't it enough that he stole the royalties from the black singers in season one. Now their women, too ?

Seriously, I felt bad for Hesh. He has treated Tony better than most of his Italian associates. I know it's human nature to resent people who help you too much but Tony was sooooo wrong here. However, like SC, I do give him credit for doing the right thing in the end.

I think I see some friction again developing between Chris and Paulie in the preview for next week. Paulie picking on Christopher's inability to handle a glass of wine is pretty petty. Obviously, Paulie doesn't come from the "12 step" generation. With or without peer pressure, I can't see Christopher getting through the whole season without using. I think it might play a major part in the final episodes.

Tony telling Carmela that her cheaply built spec house would fall on the mother of an unborn child was really a terrible thing to say. Certainly something that his own mother might have said. Ah the Sopranos, such nurturing parents. Again, I think this might foreshadow something happening to one of Tony's children.

Did Vito Jr. really have to step in the shit ? Overkill.

Best line of the episode: Phil on Vito Jr.

Phil: "The turd doesn't fall far from the fa***t's asshole."

I watched the episode with my pop who is at least the same age as Phil. He laughed till the 10 o'clock news came on.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.