Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

Now with Vito's wife and kid, I got the opposite feeling. I thought again, that Tony was being a self centered selfish prick. Here he was going around all episode long telling his crew how Vito was his best earner, the money maker, etc. Then Vito's wife asks him for a measly $100,000 to change her life and help her kid, the kid of the guy who was Tony's best earner, and Tony squirmed, twisted, and took every avenue he could NOT to give her that money. So instead, he takes the cheap way out and for $18,000 has the kid taken out of his house like a dog, to one of these camps. SC, I saw how he handled the Spatafore situation much differently. He was a cheap and cold hearted prick for the way that he threw Marie and the kid to the dogs by taking the cheap way out. It was horrible how they came and dragged that kid out the way that they did.

Its called "tough love". That kid NEEDED it!!

Tony tried talking to the kid in a fatherly way. The little snot wanted none of it.

You wanna jump on someone for NOT helping anymore than he did? Jump on Phil Leotardo. For two or three episodes he ranted and raved about how much Vito did his family a dishonor with his behavior and here was a chance to do something for his family and the Shah of Iran ( ) just turned his back on the kid.

The money that Tony had lost, and its effect on Tony was shown by how much of a prick he became... he picked on Carmella, he "turned against" an old friend (Hesh), he lost sight of a responsibility (to Marie Spatafore). Once Tony "realized" this he corrected it... he apologized to Carmella (and I thought it was a heartfelt apology), he paid Hesh back in full, and he did what he thought was right with Vito's kid (by intervening on his behalf).

For all that I applaud Tony.
