Ronnie's Rasslin Video Round-Up #11: Hulk Hogan vs Paul Wright(aka The Big Show/The Giant) - Memphis,TN - April 27, 2007

Some of the wrestling fan community at BB.Net probably have heard about this whole little squabble.

Basically, Jerry "The King" Lawler with his Memphis wrestling promotion had booked a main event bout between him and Hulk Hogan that would have been fun. Two icons that save for 2 inconclusive fights back in the 70s, never paired off.

The problem was that Hogan is in a current feud with Vince McMahon and basically ordered all the booked-WWE stars off the show...including Lawler, who probably feared getting fired from his announcing job and screwing his Memphis show of future WWE star appearances.

A damn pity, since as Snake can tell you, Lawler is to Memphis like Flair and Dusty Rhodes were to the Carolinas and Georgia: An icon.

Anyway, with Lawler squeezed out, Paul Wright was filled in as his substitution(since he is buddies with Hogan, who got him into the wrestling business) and its a decent fun match. Very far away from a wrestling clinic, but hell I guess its refreshing for a cool mini-event on the local level instead of always John Cena retaining the WWE belt, right?