The Gathering
Gwent Jykmel 2007 UK (1st time; big screen)

Fantastic. It's about several film buffs who meet on an internet message board, decide there is no hope whatsoever in the film industry, and meet up to make their own film, under new, Dogme-like rules; the manifesto isn't adhered to, though, and, though they create a masterpiece, some of the members wish to have their names removed from it, since it is nothing like how they imagined, and others want to claim all the credit for it. The end shot of the film is beautiful: the lead member of the crew, realising he is the only one in love with Film itself, ("Saying you like films is completely different to saying you like Cinema," he says), fucks off and vanishes forever by swimming into the sea... com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?