Nothing good comes from this loss, other than once again, we've confirmed that if we actually had decent pitching, the Yankees could win over Dice-K.

These are the steps I think need to be taken to remedy this slide:

1.) Papa George comes down off the hill: It's like getting a bloody edict from the Pope nowadays, but George needs to light a fire under this team. I realize this isn't going to *fix* the actual fundamental issues with the Yankees, but they need to keep their emotions high and get a fire lit under this team. We're the New York Yankees, not the Kansas City Royals (umm...we may actually envy the Royal's record pretty soon...).

2.) Joe Torre needs to mix it up: Take whatever George does in step 1, and then bottle it, and have Torre drink it. This is the most quiescent team I've seen in my life; they accept defeat like its nothing. Well, I realize the old adage, "there is still plenty of time left," but the fact is that a loss in April still equals a loss in August in the win column. Change the batting order - and no, that doesn't mean batting the worst two hitters on the team, Melky and Eye-Chart, #1 and #2...what the fuck is that? - slide Abreu down until he learns how to walk, move A-Rod to #3, give Matsui or Posada the #4 slot, move Giambi down to #7, move Cano up to #5. I realize this is going to shatter some fragile ego's (it may result in Abreu playing in the #8 spot), but let's hope they can take it better than Sheffield. The pitching injuries can't be avoided right now (well, just fire that shithead Miller who doesn't even stretch his players, and bring back Jeff Mangold), but at least make sure the offense is giving its best night in and night out.

3.) Roger Clemens: Let's hope we sign the Rocket and get another good year out of him.

4.) Keep Hughes up: I know, this is dangerous, and I don't *like* it, but to be honest, he looked like one of the sharper pitchers we have had in the rotation. Mussina comes back next week Thursday, and they should give Hughes another shot. Maybe with Wang, Pettitte, Hughes, Mussina, and X (Karstens/Igawa), there could be some pseudo-stability in this rotation.

But Cashman definitely took a huge roll of the dice coming into the season with our rotation, and he lost, big time.