Originally Posted By: svsg
What made you think I am married?

B/c of this....

 Originally Posted By: svsg
My daughter completes all her homework at least 3 days before the deadline. And my son not only finishes his own homeworks on time, but also helps his sister by cross verifying all the answers. On the days of test, they get ready two hours before the actual test time. They take turns washing my car, feeding the pets and shining my wife's shoes etc. I drop them off at the school one hour ahead of time ....they do their revision for the test in the backseat of the car, while I peacefully drive listening to radio.

I didn't catch your OBVIOUS sarcasm the first time. That's the greatest post ever.

P.S-Will you set me up with an Indian girl(preferably South)?

Last edited by Ice; 04/25/07 11:02 PM.