Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Papa George will be foolish to do that. Who will he hire then? Don Mattingly? Surely Papa George has learned from his nonsense with Yogi Berra.

Torre is walking at the end of this year anyway. Besides, its only a 8-11 record. Don't panic.

I know Joe Girardi is available... ;\)


Wang pitched a gem, and really showed why he is the ace and anchor of the rotation. He got no love from the Yankees bullpen...I've lost complete faith in Vizcaino, and Myers is failing as a lefty specialist.

I'd really start to consider moving some of these guys. I know Matt DeSalvo had a great spring training for the Yankees, I'd like to see them call him up and send down Bruney. At least get some fresh arms in there. Whatever happened to TJ Beam? He's still in our minor league system, and pitched decently in relief last year.

ANYTHING has to be better than our fatigued 'pen right now. Seriously. You know you are fucked when the Devil Ray bullpen beats you. Ugh.


Matsui returns! Matsui returns! Hell, I'd bat him in front of Giambi, until Giambi realizes he isn't Cecil Fielder. It's pretty clear the whole DH thing is not working out well for him. Still, Matsui is going to bring back consistency and clutch, a nice safety net if A-Rod can't homer and just gets on base late in a game.


Who else thinks Bobby Abreu...umm...sucks? He hasn't shown his "awesome plate discipline" (which Michael Kay feels the need to orgasm about every time he comes to the plate), he has been going after horrible pitches, and while his fielding has come around, at times he looks half-hearted out there in left field. I think this is Abreu's walk year (the club has a $16 million option for 2008).

Guess who else is an FA after this year?


That would be awesome. He'd be a great leadoff hitter, insane fielding and arm. Whoo. Cashman, get on your horse.

Another FA? Torii Hunter. I'd rather have Ichiro, but since Hunter said he's "all but gone" on an ESPN interview recently, I'd try moving him to right or moving Damon to right and letting him play center.

Gah! It makes me want to pull me hair out when I remember we could've had Vlad Guerrerro instead of Sheffield three or four years ago. \:\/


The Yankees got all they could possibly want from Wang, and they blew it big time. Kasmir had no control last night, they could've walked at least half a dozen times in my view. And seriously. I know he probably didn't hit Jeter on purpose, but when the fuck are the Yankees going to start brushing back pitchers? Egads! How I miss Randy Johnson...

Oh, never mind. He got rocked in his first outing with the D-Back's last night. Okay, I miss...Roger Clemens.


Josh Phelps, yet again, comes up nicely. Really great job. Makes Mienkeiwicz obsolete except as a late defensive substitution. Of course, we can't get through 6 innings, so who needs him?


Anyone else think the Yankees should've brought in Mariano in the 8th instead of Myers?


I think George must be going mental. There's probably half a dozen guys on that team he'd enjoy strangling right now, including the new "performance" coach.


Joe Torre and Brian Cashman need to shake things up. I don't care what you do...make a trade for some bullpen help, rearrange the batting order, send Desmond Tutu out there at first base...I don' give a shit.

The best thing to do, in my opinion, is to bring up some more minor league bullpen help (Rasner, Beam, DeSalvo can bring some nice BP work).


The "good" news for the Yankees is that BJ Ryan is fucked for at least six weeks, from what I hear on Rotoworld. Also, a number of guys are out for the Jays, like Glaus, Zaun, League, and Reed Johnson.

Can we finally pick someone else's bones instead of the other way around?


Whoo! Andy Pettitte on the mound. Hopefully we can actually give him some run support and now that Proctor and Henn have been sitting the last couple of games, maybe they'll be fresh enough to grind out the 7th and 8th, and bring in Mo in the 9th.

You remember, the old fashioned way to win games...


I'm on both sides of the fence with Phil Hughes (btw - I HATE Kay not pronouncing his "H's"...Phil YUUUUGHES! Get some hooked on phonics, you shithead).

Yes, he has been dominant in the minors. Yes, in his final spring training start, he struck out 10, allowed 2 hits, all over six scoreless innings. But he's only 20 years old! Is his arm ready for Major League duty? They'll want to use him as the 5th starter, hopefully pitching every other week as needed.

I'm really afraid though he'll end up forced as a workhorse and taxing his arm.

I know I just said they need to shake things up. I'm just not sure this is the answer.

I guess we'll know tomorrow though...