Originally Posted By: fathersson
Now Clemens chases a ring like a gold digger, but I wonder if he wants to come to a club with a pitching staff that is in tatters.
There would be to much pressure on him, while in Boston he would just have to play his part and relax a whole lot more. I don't think money is the big issue. It is the time to relax and less pressure for him. He doesn't want the pressure that A-rod or Jeter gets from the New York fans and the NY papers.

But overall, I still think the Yankees have a better bullpen (although as of late they're not showing it) and a much better lineup. Plus, hopefully the lure of playing with BFF Andy Pettitte will be enough to get him back in pinstripes. But I agree, as of now boston seems like the ideal fit if he doesn't want to be in the lime light. However, it is only April. Let's see how badly the injury bug bites boston too