Originally Posted By: fathersson
Sure, they are chewing up this young pitching staff. What is going to happen is these young kids are going to be shell shocked and will never get up into their grove. They we will trade them off and they will become great pitchers for another club.

I don't know. Up until this point, the Yankees have been very careful about protecting and acquiring valuable minor league prospects. Chase Wright was a forced exception because the Yankees had nobody else to chuck in there. Hughes was (until yesterday) off limits until at least after the all-star break, but I think George may have threatened Cashman's job if he didn't bring him up now. Seriously. Maybe a bit Seinfeld-ish, but George doesn't like being embarrassed. And that's what a Boston sweep makes him. Embarrassed.

Truth be told, there will most certainly be two major moves this season in the Yankees pitching staff, and one of them depends on Phil Hughes. 1.) Without question, the Yankees will go full speed ahead for Clemens. The Red Sox have invested too much in Matsuzaka and have a solid rotation at this point for them to go and get Clemens at his exorbitant rate. Similarly, Houston's playoff chances could be slim again, and we know how Clemens desires the ring. I think Cashman (vis a vis George) will pull out the stops to get him now that our rotation is in tatters.

2.) We trade for Johan Santana. That's all there is to it. UNLESS Phil Hughes can come in an be effective, AND Pavano can return, you can wave bye-bye to at least three major prospects in the Yankee system - and I wouldn't doubt it if that included Clippard, Jackson, and *possibly* Tabata. None of which we want to see - Tabata especially, since he is projected to have the bat of Manny Ramirez and the fielding of Ichiro, but it may need to be done to save this season. Meanwhile, the Twins want to unload him before he hits the FA market after next year and get as much as possible. The Yankees are shopping as we speak.