After 2 very good episodes to kick off the new season, last night's was pretty much what I expected, a "filler" episode.

I thought it was very funny, if nothing else, and I always love watching Florida get lampooned (Don't panic Floridians, I'm a condo owner in Delray Beach).

Anyway, Doc going was pretty much expected. It proves that Phil is back on his game, much the same way that it took Tony awhile to be decisive after he was hospitalized.

Tony and Paulie ? I enjoyed it and whatever happens, happens. That's just how it is. These guys are forever contemplating killing one another. So to me, it was nothing really new.

Tony with a possible gambling problem ? Chase must be running out of material because I don't know what to think of this. Is he making a Gotti like comparison ? John was known to go a little haywhire at the track and with the local bookmakers.

Finally, Larry Boy. Read my posts - I KNEW it. Hey, I'm never right about anything so let me have my moment.
I mean how many dinners was this guy going to attend while under house arrest ? So far, he hasn't done anything to hurt Tony, but that can change in an instant. In many ways, the Feds are like wiseguys, once they get their claws in you, that's it.

Only 6 more episodes. Time will tell.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.