Originally Posted By: SC
 Originally Posted By: Irishman12
Don't pat Dice-K on the back too hard:

7 innings, 8 hits, 6 runs, 1 BB, 7 SO and he's 2-2 with a 4.00 ERA

You forgot one stat, Irishman.... The most important one. "W".

Big Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

It's okay. Feel good early, now, while our rotation is down and out. You beat up on our rookie pitchers. Congrats. It seems like there was eerily similar confidence early last year oozing from Red Sox nation, and then the Massacre Part Doux happened.

We didn't do too shabby against your starters; if we didn't have rookies on the mound, it may have been quite different - Schilling wasn't great (rocked for 2HR's by A-Rod), and Beckett got slammed as well. Dice-K certainly wasn't an enigma...and not worth $151 million, as Irish's stats prove. I mean, sure, the sweep was big for the Red Sox, and Manny getting his power stroke is a plus as well.

But again, let's wait until next weekend...we'll have our rotation back, and by then, maybe Dice-K can save starving children in Uganda and solve the Middle Eastern crisis.



SB - That's why I call it Every Sox Player Nationwide...I muted it after the second inning. Even the usually good Jon Miller and Joe Morgan were orgasming just talking about the way he stands on the mound. I'd love to hear them call his bowel movements. "Oh, was that a gyroturd, Jon?" "Yes, I think it was Joe. Man, he lays it in there like no other pitcher I've ever seen."


Vizcaino got robbed. Home plate randomly shrank and expanded all night long, depending on which pitcher was on the mound. I think you can guess who got the benefit of the doubt.


One thing this game proves is that, well, Torre still has his knack of keeping pitchers in too long. I realize it was early in the game, but I think after the second home run, you pull the kid. "I didn't want him to get shell-shocked." Okay, then what the fuck is four homeruns? Have him grab his arm in pain, and let Henn or Proctor warm.



Given the earlier woes with home plate, its hard for me to criticize the Yankee offense for not being patient. But I will, anyways. Dice-K cannot pitch inside to save his life. Get a man on base, he can't throw accurately from the stretch. Jesus. I realize Abreu has been good with men on this year, but couldn't you work a walk? Seriously.


Pedroia doesn't make that webgem? Whole new ballgame.


Yankee fans, don't fret. Even without Matsui and Posada, the Yankees rocked Schilling, Beckett, and Dice-K. Again, and this can't be stressed enough - the pitching for the Yanks just wasn't there. Don't be too hard on those lovable lads in the gray and blue.


Anyways, congrats to the Red Sox on drawing early blood this year. Perhaps next time, you might have to try winning against Major League pitchers (Pettitte notwithstanding). \:p