Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
Fame, that song was first used and made intolerably popular over here by Mike Nichols' film Closer. I like the song; the whole album's good, actually.

By the way, I've been trying to get back into physical exercise (instead of simply cerebral masturbation all the time) this week, and though my mind seems fine, my body is fucked.

After just one lap round the big lake we have here on campus, I went to bed t'other night and fell into such a deep sleep that I was rather quite delirious, as if I had some sort of fever. I woke up at one point crying because I dreamed that somebody told me all The Sopranos spoilers. Then I woke up later on half-way through falling out of the bed. I have never fallen out of the bed.

Glad to hear that Capo. What did you think of "Closer"? I've yet to see it, but Mike Nichols is one of my favs. There's a little HBO film he directed called "Wit". Emma Thompson's performance in that film is just as good as any performance by Brando, Pacino or DeNiro. Even better. It is moving; it is brilliant; it's a very sad story; its a very good comedy; it is witty; it is simple; it will make you laugh; it will make you cry; it will make you appreciate films...even more; it will make you appreciate life...even more.

Please watch it. Please.


Capo, I'm not sure how big is that lake, but its totally natural to feel like shit if you've just ran after a long hiatus; it also depends much more on the effort you've put and less on the distance -
I can give you two advices for now until I get more details:

1) Dont stop! You just broke your cherry mate; it's bloody and hard, but next time is bound to be smoother. And more fun.
Really, the body just needs to adjust to your new form of activity. Keep on running, in a few days the feeling would be altogether different. You will feel much more alive than you do right now. Elation is guaranteed. Just give it some time, the rest will follow.

2) Dont run fast! I know you'll be tempted, but forget it! Maintain the same pace from start to finish...especially on the first week. Slow brother. Slow.

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)