Game of Death **
(Second Viewing)

Bruce Lee plays Billy Lo, a HongKong based movie actor, who is a box office draw. His girlfriend, Ann Morris is a singer who is also climbing to the top. Now it seems the syndicate wants Billy and Ann to join their "management firm". But Billy knows that they will be treated like property, so he refuses and tells her to do the same. So they try to "encourage" him to join but he still refuses. He would be advised that they will not stop, so he must stop them, permanently. He is even more hesitant to do that but when an attempt on his life is made, he fakes his death and alters his appearance, and decides to go after the syndicate; taking them out one at a time.

The 10-15 minutes Bruce Lee was actually in the movie were awesome. Did I think the movie needed to go ahead as planned since they had some footage of Lee? No. Was it their way of paying homeage to him? I don't know. But once you move past the fact the main guy isn't really Bruce Lee and try to enjoy it, it is decent. The fight scenes were the best I've seen in a Bruce Lee film and my all-time favorite fight is now Bruce Lee vs. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

This is one of my favorite cinematic images:

What I loved about the end of this film was how Bruce Lee would fight a guy, climb a staircase, fight another guy, climb a staircase, etc. It made me think I was watching/playing the old Kung Fu game for the NES (one of my personal favorite games of all-time BTW)

Finally, it was again nice to see the film that inspired Quentin Tarantino to use the yellow jumpsuit for Uma Thurman in Kill Bill Volume 1.