Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Irish, I think the point of being sportsmanlike is not to jeer the other team's players. You can dislike the Red Sox and any and every one of their players, but I don't believe that you need to resort to the sort of posts that you often do. Of course, it's the Red Sox, the Yankees' big rival. It's natural to be excited when the Yankees are playing well against them, but sometimes you get carried away. Especially since, in games like last night's, it can turn around and bite you in the ass!

True but I hate Curt Schilling and Boston THAT much. If it's unsportsmanlike, then it's unsportsmanlike. My comments are not directed at any member. I know I get carried away but I always love to see Curt fall flat on his face because it usually doesn't happen that often.