SC, I'm sure that you were thrilled last night. It was a great game, but I was obviously disappointed. I fell asleep during the 8th inning (actually, I dozed off before then, but that's the last time I remember seeing the score) and it was 6-2 Yanks. Then, I woke up again around 2 in the morning, and Mr. Babe told me about the loss.

I think that it's not even the first month of the season, and you certainly can't make predictions about who may be declining and who may not. Everyone's been saying for years that Posada is going downhill, and he's been playing phenomenally well so far. So has ARod. Jeter was leading the league in errors. Is he losing it? Give them all some time.

In the meantime, the Yankees are winning right now. Of course, there are 7 more innings to play, so we'll see!!

Irish, I think the point of being sportsmanlike is not to jeer the other team's players. You can dislike the Red Sox and any and every one of their players, but I don't believe that you need to resort to the sort of posts that you often do. Of course, it's the Red Sox, the Yankees' big rival. It's natural to be excited when the Yankees are playing well against them, but sometimes you get carried away. Especially since, in games like last night's, it can turn around and bite you in the ass!

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club