Gina, you're too sweet. Thanks. Chicks rock! Hahaha. I'm sure Paul's somewhere scratching his head looking at the fantasy bb scores and saying, "How the hell did this happen". I miss his witty and somewhat puzzling birthday wishes. I think it's the first time I was ever called erudite and relevant.

SC, is that a zucchini you have, or are you just happy to see me? \:\)

Oooh, Geoff is giving me spankings. And he's doing it in public. :0

Thanks SVSG. I'm just glad mother nature decided to take away the rain and snow and 50 mph winds and give me a day of sunshine and 70 degrees.

Thanks, Cardi buddy. You want ALL of my wishes to come true? Boy that's a mighty tall order. I guess having Gerard Butler singing Happy Birthday in his birthday suit I'll have to skip until next year then.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.