I understand and agree with Fame on this one.

I think Irish is used to the ole wire-flying nonsense of recent years, and Chan/Li spectacular stunt fights...and hey, I dig that shit too, but...its like wrestling. I like hardcore fights, and high-flying spot fests. Who doesn't?

But what was great about Bruce Lee, as I said before...was his CHARISMA. The fact that Chuck Norris had some of his own(which helped him out in his eventual successful film and TV career) made the finale work its charm.

(Plus, considering that Lee found Norris at a martial arts tournament in California, talk about respect from a lauded martial arts master to a relative movie greenhorn(who before WAY OF THE DRAGON, did only the Dean Martin-flick WRECKING CREW as a bit character) and made Norris LOOK like a worthy opponent for Bruce Lee.)

Still, what I mark over for WAY is the ending and its whole philosophy of adversarial respect.