Final Standings

        [Pts]  [Last]
BB	20273	261
DB	18423	 62
DM	18354	106
IC	17568	 39
JG	17436	125
LZ	16736	  0
FC	16424	114

Congratulations to BB, who in hindsight had a ridiculously good auto-draft and managed well throughout the season!

DMC - You made a spirited run at the end. Congrats on the bronze!

Ice - You brought some life into the league. Now if you only traded me Garnett... \:p

JG - The man who has transformed the trash-talking self jinx into an art form. Moving onto baseball...

Zia - Ran out of games by January ( \:p ), but played with style... Congrats on the Lakers making the playoffs.

FC - [crickets chirping]You out there, FC?[/crickets chirping]