Igawa looked great last night, I was really impressed with him. He's (hopefully) turning into a stable backend of our rotation, and come up with a strikeout in a big situation.


So, which Yankee is going up against Dice-K on Sunday?

Mmmhm. Chase Wright. Sure, there is no one else who fit in with the rotation schedule, but can you imagine Every Sox Player Nationwide going ape shit if this kid was able to get a no-decision or even a win against the immortal Dice-K? I would buy a Chase Wright jersey straight away. Also, the Red Sox lineup (arguably) isn't as dangerous right now as the Indians one has been that we are facing, so that seems to be a good sign for Wright. Plus, he seems to have a nice pitch to get lefty's out - that hot change.


A-Rod strikes again. Whoop. Who let the dogs out. Who. Who. Who.


Giambi is no longer Cecil Fielder. Congrats. Hopefully he finally has got his power stroke back that he had during Spring Training. This weather has been shitty (poor Indians have had the worst effects, with games snowed out), but I think he may have turned the corner. With Matsui coming back, the 4-5-6-7 hitters should be amazingly strong, with A-Rod, Giambi, Matsui, and Cano/Posada really packing a punch.


By that same token, that backend of the Yankee lineup has looked decent on paper, but up until now, has fizzled and been mediocre at best. Melky Cabrera seems to have absolutely no clue what to do with the bat. Eye-Chart had a nice home run the other day, but he was still 1 for 20-something before that. Josh Phelps has been more consistent, with a couple of nice hits last night.