Originally Posted By: Irishman12
Personally, my favorite duo are Joe Morgan and not John Sterling, but the other portly white man with white hair. His name escapes me now but they usually do games together for ESPN. Anyone else still miss Harold Reynolds too?
John Miller is the other guy. Joe Morgan is an exceptional analyst. I always learn some nuance from him.

An example. In a game with runners on first and second, nobody out and the team batting was trailing by three runs, a batter grounded a single to right and the third base coach held the lead runner on third.

Morgan immediately replied that they should have sent the runner as he almost certainly would have scored as the young right fielder came up throwing home. He made the excellent point that the ball was on the ground, the fielder was deep and needed a perfect throw to get him out and although he has a strong and over aggressive arm, he hadn't made a perfect throw in his time in the majors. In fact, the guy gunned it home over the head of the cut-off man and significantly off line.

By sending the runner home and drawing the throw home, you would then have the batter (the tying run) on second with nobody out, which meant that you could conceivably tie the game without a base hit and the other team had Gagne in the bullpen, which meant that this late in the game your opportunities to win were limited.

Sure enough, the trailing team ended up with the bases loaded and scored only two that inning and lost by one.

I was impressed by Morgan.