Phil - I fast-forwarded through his performance, but listened to the comments. He apparently did well.

Jordin - Quickly rising. Has displaced LaKisha as 2nd favorite to win. My wife thinks she's going to win and I think she's got a good shot.

Sanjaya - I DIDN'T fast-forward. It's like watching a car accident. You know what though - the kid knows how to market himself.

LaKisha - I liked it better than the judges did.

Chris - Fast-forwarded through his performance after hearing the first few words. Weird exchange with Simon.

Melinda - My wife is in complete agreement with Simon - she needs to lose the whole "Wow, you actually think I'm a good singer" deer in headlights look. I think she's more like Frank the Tank in Old School. Remember when during the debate, Frank got in his zone and then came out of it after finishing his piece. I think Melinda is like that. She gets into a zone while singing, but instead of screaming "That's how you do it. That's how you debate.", Melinda goes back into her shy, introverted mode.

OK, maybe I'm overthinking this.

She still did well though.

Blake - Yawn

DialIdol (which hasn't been right in a while) has Sanjaya and Blake in the bottom 2 with Sanjaya leaving.

I think Phil is leaving tonight.

Last edited by Don Sicilia; 04/18/07 10:13 AM.