"And let it not be said that Michael Bay can't assemble a good cast and blow crap up."

I would more or less say that was Bruckheimer. Yes hes produced dozens of bad movies, but I'll say this about Jerry. As a pimp, he knows how to make a shitload of money from crap.

Plus, he occasionally does pop a decent/good movie out of his ass(while Bay still is hitless). BEVERLY HILLS COP 1 and 2, Michael Mann's awesome THIEF(Bruckheimer's first solo producing effort), CRIMSON TIDE, the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN flicks. Hell, even C.S.I. on TV.

Bruck Boy has his new lapdog pet director in Gore Verbinski, and unlike Mikey Bay who left his master for a new one in The Beard over at Dreamworks....Verbinski CAN and DID direct quality before joining Bruckheimer's stable.

"Although it was enjoyable that the Japanese characters spoke Japanese and not English (made it seem a little authentic)."

You want that of the Pearl Harbor story without Bay's bullshit and the pointless and failure of a love story? Go watch TORA! TORA! TORA! Its weird that movie, and the great THE LONGEST DAY, had adversarial respect in a macho-way, of the enemy that would get trashed by Fox News today as unpatriotic.

You know, instead of FDR standing up on his own in a would-be inspirational moment that instead was met at the screening I went to back in 2001 with LAUGHS.

Its just weird how the people in the movie don't feel like characters as if they just stepped out of 1941, but instead Gen-Xers and Baby Boomers dressing up like its 1941 with the wink of knowing safely the end-result.

I remembered as well a guy I knew that was a WW2 Veteran. He saw the movie, and was absolutely livid. "They didn't make a war movie, they made a goddamn cosmetics commercial with guns and planes."

PEARL HARBOR (2001) - * - BOMB

FOR IRISH: Fuck PEARL HARBOR, Bay is shit without Bruckheimer and Bruck Boy has found a new talented director lapdog, watch TORA! TORA! TORA!, real Veterans hated the movie.