The Red Sox rotation faced the same situation last year. It happens. The Yankees have an old AND injury-prone rotation. Mussina is on the wrong side of 35. Pettitte is near ancient, and has had injury issues in the past. Pavano is the Crash Test Dummy...he can't go more than a start without getting a hangnail. Wang is just a kid, and his injury from last year and this year are unrelated, so its too early to tell, but he's probably the only stable workhorse in the rotation. Rasner and Karstens? They're really long relievers anyways, and both have had injury issues in the past.

That leaves Kei Igawa as the only true healthy, non-injury prone pitcher on our starting rotation at this point. Luckily, every game he seems to be edging closer to the control-freak we expected from the Japanese league. His curveball is increasingly nasty. That's good. We're going to need it.


A-Rod's performance is a God-send. If I'm not mistaken, he's very close to breaking Mattingly's eight home runs in eight games record. Good for Alex. We need it bad.


Hopefully Giambi has turned the corner now as well. Because the spotlight has been on A-Rod, everyone is ignoring Giambi's slow start, but his cannon was loaded for bear last night.


Phelps nor Mientkeiwicz are proving to be the answer at first. Yes, Eye-Chart has sparkling defense, we knew that coming in. But I really wonder if Cashman won't make some kind of deal for Richie Sexon before the All-Star break. That position is generating zero offense for us right now, and is the only major black hole in our lineup.


I read a line that said Melky is a starting outfielder in backup outfielders clothing. I don't think its true. I've never been impressed with his offensive production; he has very little patience of the plate, and doesn't demonstrate the power he carried through the minor leagues. He's a great fielder, no doubt, but maybe he needs to spend a bit of time with Mattingly to figure out how to develop a stroke. His average is a mediocre .179, and while his OPS isn't too bad for a backup outfielder (.399), it isn't good for an everyday player.

Someone get this kid some time in the batting cage.


Without a doubt, the Yankees have one of the best bullpens in baseball. I can't believe I'm saying that. And yes, that includes Kyle Farnsworth. 5 out of our 7 relievers have an ERA at or better than 1.29. Proctor and Farnsworth are the only two over (with 3.68 and 8.44, respectively).

Vizcaino has been a great pickup, and probably should be moved into the 7th/8th inning eater role. Mike Myers can pitch! Who knew? Sean Henn is 100 times the reliever he was the starter. It may have saved his career. Bruney is getting his control better. Proctor will come around. Mo is Mo.

Farnsworth is the only question mark, and we still have a number of minor league options, including Chris Britton, Kevin Whelan, Ron Villone, TJ Beam, and Chase Wright waiting in the wings.


Strange brew: Guess who has the highest batting average, slugging percentage, and OPS on the Yankees?

A-Rod? Nope.

Damon? Nope.

Posada? Nope.

Kevin Thompson.

Yeah. That guy.

Someone get him a uniform.


Wang is getting stronger (hence my new title) which bodes well for the rotation, particularly if he can get back in time for the Red Sox series.


A real pitching battle today. Rich "Dick" Harden is the new ace of the A's rotation now that Zito sailed for greener pastures (hah! pun), and he has done a good job thus far. Pettitte's ERA comes in under 2.00 and really is looking sharp as well. If you've missed the first two games of the series, this would be the one to watch. It should be a pitchers duel.