Glad to hear A-Rod homered again. Can you say AL MVP? Sure it's only 10 games into the season but he's never opened the season like this. It's good because we need the offense since our pitchers are going down faster than a rollercoaster. Why is it these guys continue to go down so much the past couple of years? Back in the "glory" days (1996-2001) our guys were there when we needed it. I know age plays into it (Andy Pettitte, Mike Mussina, Kevin Brown, Randy Johnson) but now even the younger guys are going down (Wang, Pavano, etc). I think there's something in the water or else it's something else. Watch Boston's rotation and see how long their starters (Schilling, Dice-K, Beckett, Wakefield and their 5th) are out compared to ours (Wang, Pettitte, Moose, Pavano and Igawa).