Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Why you so mad? You didn't like RUSHMORE because it didn't make you laugh-piss your pants. You thouhht EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH was. Whats the big deal?

The big deal is I've told you time and time again to not put words in my mouth. I love Bill Murray and nowhere did I say "f*ck him." Yeah I didn't hardly laugh at Rushmore so you know what, I didn't enjoy it that much. Stick with the elitest board ;\)

 Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Oh, Jerry SEINFELD....wow, why not something more recent...like less than 10 years ago.

"Yeah, give Dane Cook the mic!"

Use that next time, and your jabs would make more sense.

Seinfeld's a classic and it's not that hard or far fetched to pull quotes from it. I'm good though, don't need any advice on how to "jab"