Originally Posted By: goombah

But what gets me is the double standard in this country. ....when rappers use the "n-word" or refer to women as "bitches" or "ho's" in songs, that is perfectly acceptable.

Bullshit! If it is offensive when a white person says any of those words to a person of the other race, it is offensive when any person says those words.

I'm not defending Imus, but Goombah I agree. To take it further, it is acceptable for minority comedians to make fun of whites, but the reverse is not true.

But back on topic. CBS blew a chance to collaborate with Imus to change the decay in American media - the degrogatory, desparaging commentary that flows from our TV and radios. We need a kinder, gentiler society; not one that constantly insults and degrades people.

CBS dumped Imus for one reason - money. Their sponsors were pulling out.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12