I wrote earlier in this thread that I didn't feel that Imus' comment was racist. I must not keep up on my racially derogatory terms because I had never heard the reference he used before this controversy. Since the reference is racially biased, I amend my previous point and am glad to see what he received.

But what gets me is the double standard in this country. Stuart Scott, an African-American sports commentator on ESPN, was on Mike & Mike's morning show yesterday. He contended that when rappers use the "n-word" or refer to women as "bitches" or "ho's" in songs, that is perfectly acceptable.

Bullshit! If it is offensive when a white person says any of those words to a person of the other race, it is offensive when any person says those words. Period. I cannot stand it when I am in my city at lunch or out and about when I hear one African-American call another a "n-word." It is completely hypocritical that such a hateful word when uttered by some can somehow be construed as a term of "affection," as Stuart Scott contended.

I'd like to see Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, and some of these others who decry racism in all instances, not just when it's convenient.