Originally Posted By: Snake
Grindhouse looks pretty sucky just from the cheesy trailers (yeah, I KNOW it's supposed to look cheesy). But Tarantrino needs to stop his exploration of other genres and stick with what I think he does best: crime dramas.

That's why I've loved his last 2 films more than his previous work. The Kill Bills opened me up to not only Japanese Cinema, but foreign movies in general. Now I'm slowly getting into some Grind House films. I say continue to bring them on Mr. Tarantino.

 Originally Posted By: Snake
I'm a little old for Pirates of the Carribean, but, darn it, I got sucked into watching the first two and now I have to see the third just to see how it comes out! Same with Spiderman 3.

The only reason I like the franchise is because of Johnny Depp. Although the first installment did surprise me very much and I enjoyed it enormously. However, I'm kinda like you with the third installment. I'm more excited for other films but going just to see how it ends.