Man, I'm a day late and a dollar usual! Hate I missed this thread, especially when 300 was being discussed. I thought it was a delightfully different movie, sort of like Sin City meets Troy. Awesome acting (but Butler needs to leave the Snake Plissken role to Kurt Russell ;)), and out-of-this-world cinematography. I think it's the best thus far in '07.

Grindhouse looks pretty sucky just from the cheesy trailers (yeah, I KNOW it's supposed to look cheesy). But Tarantrino needs to stop his exploration of other genres and stick with what I think he does best: crime dramas.

I'm a little old for Pirates of the Carribean, but, darn it, I got sucked into watching the first two and now I have to see the third just to see how it comes out! Same with Spiderman 3.

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)